Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Planting - Round 2

Today I got carrots (Danver's 1/2 Long), lettuce (Summer Crisp & Looseleaf Blend), spinach (Space Hybrid), and beans (Tenderpod) planted. I definitely needed to get the carrots in since it takes them around 75 days until harvest. I am excited about the spinach and lettuce. They are one of my favorites.

Today's seeds join these already planted guys - garlic, onions (3 varieties), potatoes, peppers (green, yellow and red) and tomatoes (heirloom, roma and big boy). I tried to start the tomatoes and peppers from seeds, but they died about two weeks after. Not sure why, but they just weren't hearty. So I cheated and went and bought already "in-progress" plants.

I still need to till up the space for the sweet corn, sweat peas, cucumbers, watermelon, radishes, etc. I need to do that by Sunday. We have family coming in from out of state and want to show off our hard work!!!


Welcome to Garden Girl! This blog follows my garden's progress from planting to harvest! I'm sure there will be great stories, pics and antics along the way!
